How One State Changed the Compliance Game with Automated and Integrated Travel and Spend Management
Improving Travel, Expense, and Invoice Management Processest
For state and local governments, transparency and accountability are everything. But as spending becomes increasingly decentralized and employees make more of their own spending decisions, the risk of overspending, human errors, and even fraud, goes up. This is especially true when an organization uses manual spend management processes and data is not integrated between back-office systems.
When it came to employee travel, one state accounting office (SAO) in the United States was getting bogged down in paper-based processes. Not only did employees need to save and scan receipts and e-mail expense reports, travel policy enforcement and cross-check was also manual – requiring human auditing at every level of approval and increasing the risk of error. The process was also time-consuming, which meant long reimbursement wait times for travelers. But worst of all, the SAO had minimal reporting capabilities, resulting in very limited insight into spend and no efficient way to effectively enforce spending policy.
Aligning the goals of the finance and IT teams has a profound effect on the overall travel, expense, and invoice management process. Download the full study now to learn more about how you can simplify your expense, travel, and invoice solutions.
- Author – Rebecca Dolan
- Source –Click Here